пятница, 1 февраля 2013 г.

какие серверы есть в counter-strike sourse

You now have a default Counter Strike Source dedicated server.

Now we have to tell it what game we want to run.ВP For this how to we will choose “Counter-Strike Source”.

It will now extract a readme.txt and steam file into the directory. Execute the steam file so it can update it will take a few minutes. (You might have to do it twice)

Next you will need to download the hldsupdatetool.bin from steam

First things first login as root. Then navigate to “/usr/local/games” and make a directory named hlds

Here I will explain how to get a Counter Strike Source dedicated server up and running on your Ubuntu server box.ВP Its fairly easy and does not require a large amount of time.

How to setup a Counter Strike Source LAN Party Server on Ubuntu.

Compuhowto.com « LAN Party Server – Counter Strike Source « Counterstrike « Gaming

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